

Most cybersecurity solutions providers develop and sell security products and services bent toward serving large enterprises with established IT departments, specialists, processes, and budgets.


43% of cyberattacks target small and medium enterprises. Unfortunately, SMEs lack security tools and controls that fit the bill since many modern cybersecurity products seem complicated and pricey, especially for resource-constrained SMEs. Unfortunately, hackers are not sparing any target, regardless of size or industry, with their soaring and sophisticated attacks. No business is too small or too large to fall victim to a cyber incident in the cybersecurity world. Increased and successful hacking activities have led to the closure of 60% of small businesses within six months after suffering a cyberattack.

SMEs have resorted to buying and using multiple security products without understanding the solutions’ features, capabilities, and if they are a perfect fit for their security needs. As a result, many organizations operate a disjointed web of ineffective security profiles that further compromises teams’ capabilities and budgets in an organization. It is mind-boggling that only 14% of SMEs rate their promptitude to identify vulnerabilities and wade cyber risks as highly effective.

Economic digitalization keeps opening new growth factors for businesses, with organizations quickly embracing new smarter and connected processes and systems. These trends and the advent of cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), 5G, and IoT that organizations are adopting keep exposing businesses to a plethora of cyber risks.

Economic digitalization proclivities imply that SME owners must keep learning more and investing in suitable digital security strategies. Before purchasing a cybersecurity solution, company owners need to consider their business models, type of data collected and stored, their customer base, IT infrastructure, and the technologies they need to secure their environment.

Compelling Stories Nurture and Close Leads


At EliteMoran, we believe that compelling stories shared by cybersecurity solutions providers are at the heart of stakeholder engagement. We assist cybersecurity vendors in building content on resonant messaging that speaks to key customer concerns and industry narratives to educate, establish credibility, and elevate topical authority. We derive the right message strategy and a full range of optimized digital and print content

development, thoughtfully crafted by senior-level cybersecurity researchers and writers.

EliteMoran has helped cybersecurity solutions sellers to solidify their standing as some of the world’s leading authorities in the field. With our thought leadership-positioned content, you can as well showcase your esteemed position in cyberspace.

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